Education Moore Exotics


Zebra Pleco

Zebra Pleco fish


2¾ to 4 inches

Physical Characteristics

The distinctive color that covers these fish’s bodies has given them a fitting name. They have alternating white and black stripes. These lateral stripes have a tendency to become quite vivid under the correct lighting. This species of pleco has an underturned sucker mouth and a flat bottom like other plecos. Four whiskers are located around the mouth and are used to scan the surroundings.

The fish has a distinctive appearance because of its huge, bulbous eyes. Large rayed fins are present on the Zebra Pleco. The dorsal fin is triangular and prominent. The fish can, however, also lie flat for a more streamlined look. On either side of the body are two sets of pectoral fins. Short hairs could also be present in the set that is closest to the head. Although they are difficult to notice, males frequently have more of them than females.


Zebra Plecos are quite timid and meek. These fish frequently hide out in caves to avoid the disturbance caused by other fish. Since this species is nocturnal, don’t anticipate much activity during the day. Yet at night, their activity level definitely increases! They will hunt for food or explore the tank during this period.

It has been observed that Zebra Plecos can get a little aggressive towards other fish of the same species. With men, this is especially true. You must keep a close check on the males you house together to prevent conflict. For gatherings that include more than one male, larger tanks are preferred. The likelihood of territorial aggressiveness is reduced if each fish has a separate area and cave for hiding.


The River Xing basin in Brazil, South America, is the zebra pleco’s natural habitat. This basin is a fast-moving, highly oxygenated freshwater tributary of the Amazon River. These are nocturnal fish that inhabit deeper waters in the cracks of rocks and downed trees.

Keeping as Pet

Zebra Pleco

  • Tank Size

These fish don’t require a huge tank to be happy because they are on the smaller side. You ought to keep them in a 20-gallon aquarium at the absolute least. Therefore, if at all possible, we advise going a little bigger. More swimming space is provided by a 30-gallon tank. Also, you can keep them in a small group without worrying about territory.

  • Water Conditions

Warm, neutral-side waters are preferred for zebra plecos. Stress and sickness can result from anything that is either overly alkaline or too acidic. The allowed limits for temperature, pH balance, and hardness are rather broad, which is good news. This guarantees that you will have some flexible room for the fish. Maintaining your Zebra Pleco in good condition shouldn’t be an issue if you adhere to the following guidelines.

79 to 88 degrees Fahrenheit for the water (somewhere in the middle is best)

pH range: 6.5–7.0

Water hardness range: 2–6 KH

  • Feeding

Occasionally, you could notice your Zebra Pleco eating aquarium algae. Yet, they do not enjoy it as much as other plecos or ravenous algae-eaters do. Don’t fall into the trap of believing that you can only feed these fish items made of algae.

A diet high in protein is beneficial for zebra pleco health. Invest in dry goods with lots of protein. Instead of flakes, choose sinking pellets because they are bottom-dwellers. Also effective are live or freeze-dried foods. Bloodworms and brine shrimp are favourites of zebra plecos. The occasional blanched vegetable and algae wafer can also be offered. These fish really enjoy zucchini and crushed peas.

  • Tank mates

Community tanks can be used to keep zebra plecos. Just be sure to pick the right tank mates for them. These are some excellent tank companions to think about: Cardinal Tetra, Harlequin Rasbora, Phantom Tetra (the Black Phantom is our favorite), Apistogramma, Denison Barbs,   Zebra Otocinclus, Certain Guppies, Cherry Shrimp and Platies.

Also, a variety of freshwater aquarium snail species can thrive in a Zebra Pleco tank. They ought to get along just fine as long as you don’t take things too far!


zebra pleco table

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