Education Moore Exotics


Zebra Moray Eel

zebra moray eel

One of the most widely available and best-suited moray eel species for aquarium keeping is the zebra moray eel. It is a subdued species that prefers to stay in caves, but if you provide it with the right environment, you may see it outside as well. These fish move somewhat slowly. Finding zebra moray eels often isn’t a problem because they are frequently seen in the trade. As its name suggests, the Zebra Moray Eel has zebra-like markings. Black to brown with white vertical stripes make up the body. The Zebra Moray Eel adapts well to its habitat in an aquarium and is well suited for it. They require little maintenance and are incredibly robust. Beginners can be advised to keep this species with the caveat that adult individuals require a large aquarium because the fish get bigger with age.

The Zebra Moray Eel will devour any and all crustaceans, making it unsafe for reefs. Small specimens won’t hurt gorgonians, corals, or anemones. Large specimens are highly clumsy and can easily accidently hurt corals and gorgonians when moving about in the aquarium. You can maintain the zebra moray eel with even the tiniest fish because this moray typically doesn’t hurt fish. This fish can be housed with both calm and aggressive fish because it is docile for a moray. Before becoming accustomed to a new aquarium, the Zebra moray eel might be timid. The more it establishes itself, the more active and noticeable it will be. During the acclimation stage, it will be slightly more sensitive, but this normally isn’t a problem for this extremely hardy plant. The Zebra morays hardly ever become ill.


This species looks exactly as you’d expect from its name: an eel with zebra stripes in dark brown and white. A member of the family Muraenidae but the only species in its genus Gymnomuraena, it’s naturally found in the Indo-Pacific, where it inhabits reefs in shallower waters. Although not all specimens reach this size, a zebra eel has the potential to grow to up to 5 feet in length. Not a small fish!


Oceans all across the world contain zebra moray eels. They are found all across the Indo-Pacific, including the Red Sea and the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia. They are located between 3 and 50 meters below the surface (10-164ft). This species prefers reefs where it will conceal itself in cracks.

Keeping as Pet

Zebra Moray Eel

Zebra Moray Aquarium setup

Even as a small juvenile, the Zebra moray eel may be kept in a 40-gallon (200-liter) tank. Since they outgrow smaller aquariums quickly, frequently within months, it is best to start them off in a 75 gallon / 300 L tank due to their rapid growth when they are young.

The Zebra moray eel enjoys an aquarium with adequately big caves where it can safely relax and observe its surroundings. It will feel more at home the more caves you provide it. In contrast to a moray kept in an aquarium with many caves, a Zebra moray eel kept in one with just one cave will spend the majority of its time outside. Moving from one side of the tank to the other without having to reveal itself is advantageous for the Zebra moray eel. Reef aquariums are the greatest places to keep zebra moray eels. Keep the theater values steady and the water quality high.

Unlike many other morays, the Zebra moray eel is less likely to escape, but it is still crucial to make sure the entire tank is well-covered. This is true even if your aquarium’s water doesn’t reach the top because moray eels can raise nearly half of their bodies straight up out of the water. If the aquarium glass is there to support them, they can lift themselves even higher.

Food Habits

In the wild, the Zebra Moray Eel is a specialized predator that preys primarily on crustaceans. They  feed on  mussels, scallops, crabs, and other seafood. Remember that a mature zebra eel only need food once or twice a week. 


zebra moray eel table

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