Education Moore Exotics


Yellow Pholiota

Yellow Pholiota

Scientific name

Pholiota flammans


Yellow Pholiota is a beautiful bright yellow-colored mushroom also called a ‘Flame scale cap’ because of the scaly appearance of its cap.  They have a cap of about 5 to 10cm in diameter. The cap is convex at first, then flattening; brilliant yellow with an oily coating that becomes slimy in rainy weather. They have brown-colored scales that originate from veil fragments attached more tightly to the cap in the middle. The scales are arranged in concentric rings and are triangular. The fruit body of these mushrooms is golden-yellow and their stem and cap are coated with spiky scales.

Yellow Pholiota.

When immature, adnate, and packed gills that are pale yellow and darken become red-brown as the spores mature. The stems frequently come together when they are linked to the ground. The spores are ellipsoidal and smooth in texture with a diameter of 5- 7 x 3- 4 μm. The spore print is reddish-brown. They have a subtle odor like garlic and a bitter taste flavor. When damaged or injured, the flesh remains solid, thick, and yellow.


Yellow Pholiota is a saprobic mushroom and extensively grows in the form of clusters or groups on decaying and dead stumps. They preferably grow on coniferous trees from summer to winter. They are widespread in temperate and boreal regions. Yellow Pholiota is native to North America, India, Asia, China, and Europe.


Yellow pholiota mushroom has ecological importance. They are responsible for inducing white decay in living trees by infiltrating from wounds. The presence of these mushrooms on a healthy tree indicates significant deterioration. Some fungi of these mushrooms also produce root rot, whereas others cause branch degradation. Many Pholiota species were linked to trunk and butt rot in North America. Only a few of the Yellow pholiota present in Alaska are effective in decomposing living trees.


Yellow Pholiota table

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