Education Moore Exotics


White-Tailed Eagle

White-Tailed Eagle.


Life span: Up to 27-40 years

The white-tailed eagle is one of the biggest raptors still in existence. It is occasionally ranked as the fourth-largest and, on average, the fourth-heaviest eagle in the entire world. The bulk of the year, white-tailed eagles spend time close to huge amounts of open water, where they need a plentiful food source, old-growth trees, or coastal cliffs for nesting. They are related to the Bald Eagle, which lives in North America and fills a comparable niche. The mature White-tailed eagle has a greyish, mid-brown coloration all around. The adult’s head, neck, and upper breast are often buffy in color and noticeably paler than the rest of the body. The generally brownish color of the adult makes the white tail, which has a wedge-like shape, stand out. The bill, cere, foot, and eyes are only a few of the adult’s yellow-bare body parts.

Native Region/Habitat

There are white-tailed eagles all over northern Europe and Asia. From Iceland and Greenland in the west to Hokkaido, Japan in the east, they breed. Although these birds can be found in a range of environments, they are typically connected to water and found in lowland regions. Particularly in the winter, a lot of White-tailed eagles frequent low coastal areas, estuaries, and coastal marshes.

White-Tailed Eagle


The white-tailed eagle is assumed to migrate in part. Eagles that breed as far north as Greenland, Iceland, and coastal Norway hardly ever migrate in the west, and they make no winter migration at all. White-tailed eagles that migrate during the winter, especially immature youngsters, become social creatures. Numerous of these flocks can have up to ten birds, and in regions with significant breeding populations, at least 30 to 40 birds.

Strong hunters, white-tailed eagles hunt mostly from perches, usually from a prominent tree perch. After a brief fly from a perch, fish are often caught in a shallow dive, with the eagles merely getting their feet wet. They frequently fish from coastlines or gravel islands, occasionally wading into shallow water to catch fish. White-tailed eagles frequently hunt non-fish species by flying low over the lake or seashore and attempting to catch wildlife off guard. The vocalization of white-tailed eagles increases during the breeding season. While females call gra-gra-gra or krau-krau-krau, men call gri-gri-gri or krick-krick-krick. Early in the spring, partners frequently perform duets while flying or from a perch. Typically, alarm sounds consist of three or four quick, loud klee or klek notes.

As a pet/In captivity

Wild birds include white-tailed eagles. A white-tailed eagle can only be owned by expert falconers. White-tailed eagles are difficult to handle and will never be regarded as tamed animals, even after eight years of training to become a master falconer. They must be maintained under stringent guidelines and need a lot of outside area, regular flight, and exercise. Instead, think about finding and watching white-tailed eagles in the wild or getting a parrot or another useful indoor bird.


White-Tailed Eagle table

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