Education Moore Exotics


Western Pond Turtle


The western pond turtle, which is native to the Pacific Northwest and the northern Mexican coast, is an endangered species. Throughout this range, the population is dwindling. Western Pond turtles have shells that range in hue from dark brown to olive with cream or light-colored flecking. They have brown skin with spots and yellow plastrons with dark patterns.

Care as a Pet

Western Pond Turtle


Construct an appropriate enclosure outside. A pond and some land are required for the enclosure, which should be covered with dense foliage to offer protection. Include a spot on the land where the dirt has been loosened so that the turtles can dig there. Pet turtle, allot at least 5 square feet of land and an equal amount of pond space; however, the more room you have, the better. Any sturdy material can be used for the enclosure’s fence, but it must have a solid foundation rather than a wire to prevent turtles from becoming tangled in it. The fence doesn’t need to be taller than 2 or 3 feet because turtles cannot climb.

Water Maintenance

Every week, with a bucket, remove roughly one-fifth of the water from the pond. Change it out for some clean, dechlorinated water. Water can be dechlorinated most easily by being exposed to air in buckets for 24 hours. If not, get an aquarium dechlorinator from a pet store and use it as directed by the manufacturer.


Two to four times per week, give the turtles food. Although they will consume naturally occurring algae and aquatic plants, they are mostly carnivorous, thus their diet should include a range of live foods such as mealworms, earthworms, feeder fish, and crickets. Each turtle requires an amount of food that is roughly the combined size of its head and neck. It’s possible that your turtles won’t eat commercial brands of turtle food. You can experiment, but make sure the food you buy is appropriate for the turtle’s species and avoid feeding it mostly with store-bought food.


western pond turtle table

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