Education Moore Exotics


Weedy Sea Dragon

Weedy Sea Dragon


The maximum size for adults is 18 inches (46 cm).

Physical Characteristics and Behavior 

The Common Sea dragon has a small mouth and a nose that resembles a pipe. Female with tall statures typically get fuller figures. The leafy appendages that cover the body are what give the name “Weedy Sea dragon” its “weedy” component. The single population of this species in New South Wales belongs to its genus. As a result, it differs from the other Syngnathidae in the area. It appears to be a common sight for divers near the coast. A single brood can hatch up to 250 young after an eight-week period of incubation. Some young people reach adulthood in a single year, but most don’t reproduce until their second.

Keeping as Pet

Weedy Sea Dragon

  • Temperament

Most of the time, they wander around in search of food alone or in pairs, moving slowly and relying on their outstanding camouflage to help protect them.

  • Diet

Weedy seadragons pull water and prey into their long, thin, tubular snouts using strong suction (which is their mouth). Diverse sizes of food can be captured by widening specific muscles in the snout. Their primary sources of food are planktonic creatures like tiny crustaceans and marine lice.

  • Habitat

Although they have been observed as deep as 50 meters, weedy sea dragons are typically found at depths of 8 to 12 meters. They love water that is between 12 and 23 degrees Celsius in temperature. They live in kelp forests, seagrass and seaweed beds, and rocky reefs.


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