Education Moore Exotics


Wax Plant


Hoya nicholsoniae has lovely green leaves with white veins. Sun exposure can cause the leaves to become crimson.

The very flat blooms feature greenish yellow corollas and a white crown. An umbel typically has 20-30 blooms, each measuring around 1-1.5 cm in diameter and producing little nectar. The blossoms have a strong spicy aroma and remain for around 4-5 days.


Wax Plant


  • Partly sunny, partly cloudy
  • Place it at a window with dappled sunlight or in the center of a room. Or straight in a west or east facing window.

Watering requirement:

Low demand

  • Before watering, the soil should be completely dry. If the soil is still damp, you risk overwatering the plant, which might cause it to rot. When watering this plant, water well and then allow the soil to dry completely before watering again.


Fertilizer demand is low.

  • This plant, like all of your other plants, requires fertilization, but at a reduced rate. Plant fertilizer is required to promote healthy development and maintain plant health.


wax plant table

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