Education Moore Exotics


Violet Dragon Goby

Violet Dragon-Goby


Maximum length of 25 inches

Physical characteristics and behavior

The bodies of violet gobies resemble eels. Its dorsal and anal fins practically run the length of its body. Not for use in battle, the fangs are meant to remove algae from rocks. When properly cared for, dragon gobies develop an iridescent, silvery-blue metallic appearance with gold spots. Three to five inches long violet gobies are sold as pets. The length of a violet goby in the wild can reach 61 cm. In captivity, they seldom exceed 15 inches (38 cm). The genital papillae of men are long and pointed, while those of females are shorter and yellower.


Gathers around muddy estuary sediments. Freshwater and estuary open water are its habitats. 7.5-9.0 pH, 10-25°H hardness, 73-79°F (22-26°C)

As Pet

Violet Dragon Goby

  • Tank Size

The minimal minimum tank size for your Dragon Goby should be 25 gallons if you only intend to keep one fish. Although, to give them room to flourish, we advise increasing it to 50 gallons. As we previously indicated, Dragon Gobies are not little fish and will require a sizable tank to maintain their health. 

Because the Violet Goby needs a lot of space to swim, taking care of one might be challenging. In addition to considering volume, you also need to take length into account. For a single specimen of a Dragon Goby, we advise a tank that is 4 feet long.

  • Parameters for water

In the wild, dragon gobies inhabit brackish waters. This indicates that while their environment doesn’t have as much salt as the open ocean, it does have too much salt for it to be classified as freshwater. To maintain the conditions, you must frequently analyze the water contents. Chemical alterations have an impact on these fish. High levels of nitrates and ammonia are included in this. To maintain things at their best, we advise performing a 10 to 15 percent water change once a week.

Check out these crucial water requirements for maintaining the health of your dragon gobies.

Water should be between 72°F and 82°F (preferably, 75°F).

pH ranges from 6.5 to 8.5

Hardness of water: 10 to 20 dKH

The range of 1.006 to 1.008

  • Tank mates

Contrary to popular opinion, you have a variety of options for dragon goby tank mates. This species may coexist peacefully with brackish fish in the same area. Just stay away from any dangerously violent species. 

The best fish are medium-sized (or fish of similar size). Anything that the Dragon Goby might mistake for food should be avoided. Here are some suggestions for good tank companions: Guppies, Archers, Unison Bichir (only if you have a very large tank), Glassfish, Bumblebee, Swordtail Goby Fish and phantom shrimp.

  • Diet

Omnivorous dragon gobies typically rely on scavenging for food in the wild. They’ll keep acting in this scavenging manner within the tank. To keep them healthy, you must provide them with well-balanced food, though. These fish are unique in that their necks are unusually small. They actually have trouble eating greater food despite their size. Therefore, you must keep everything quite small. They can be fed flakes, tiny sinking pellets, and algal wafers as their main dried food sources. Additionally, we advise adding freeze-dried, live, and frozen food to it.

It’s crucial to always be aware of the quality of your tank because this species can be extremely picky about the water’s characteristics. Check your water frequently, and pay attention to even the smallest difference.


violet dragon goby table

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