Education Moore Exotics


Violet Coral Fungus

Violet Coral Fungus

Scientific name 

Clavaria zollingeri


Violet coral mushrooms of the Clavariaceae family have distinctive features and beautiful antler-like shapes. These are typically 5 -12 cm long and 2- 8  cm broad.  Violet coral is a light purple colored mushroom with fragile and delicate branches. It can be found alone or in groups in both grasslands and forests mainly near oak trees or mosses. Considering its brilliant color, the violet coral does not have a distinctive smell. This is edible in tiny amounts and tastes similar to cucumber and radish. Its purple tint is not everlasting and will fade to grey-brown with time or rainfall. 

The violet coral-like fungus, which is initially light to deep violet, can have rounded or relatively angular points to its outer stems. The spores are non amyloid, ellipsoidal, smooth, thin-walled, and hyaline having a diameter of 4-7 x 3-5 µm.

Violet Coral Fungus.


The violet coral-like mushroom is native to North and South America, Asia, Australia, Ireland, and New Zealand. They are mostly found in grasslands. They may grow single or also in a group. The violet coral mushroom is widely distributed in coniferous forests during summers and winters.


The violet coral-like mushroom is a saprobic fungus that is responsible for providing the nutrients to plants after the decomposition of organic compounds. Violet coral mushroom is used to cure and reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and other chronic medical conditions. They are rich sources of calcium and can be utilized as calcium supplements. The delicate fruiting bodies are not edible because they have a laxative effect. These mushrooms also cause gastrointestinal tract disturbance if consumed.


Violet Coral Fungus table

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