Education Moore Exotics


Violet Chanterelle

Violet Chanterelle

Scientific name

 Gomphus clavatus


Violet chanterelle is a beautiful vase-shaped mushroom that is also known as a pig’s ears mushroom. This mushroom has some therapeutic effects, but it is not a historical element of folk medicine and is not often used by current alternative medicine practitioners. The mushroom’s famous feature is that it is edible and the taste differs as compared to other mushrooms. 

This mushroom is a type of edible fungus. Their fruiting bodies are fan or vase-shaped, with undulating edges around the rim, and can grow about 15-16 cm in width and 17 cm in length. The top side, or cap, is orange-brown to violet in color, while the bottom is a spore-bearing surface. Their hymenium is purple in color and covered with creases and grooves instead of pores or gills. Their stem is Difficult to distinguish from the cap. Near the base, it is whitish, although it can bruise reddish brown. The fruiting body is velvety in texture at the bottom, but bald everywhere. Branches are frequently used to support several caps. They have nonamyloid spores with an elliptical shape and have some wrinkles and warts on their surface. The diameter of the spores is 11-15 by 6- 8 μm.

Violet Chanterelle.


Violet Chanterelle mushrooms are endemic to North America and Eurasia. They are  mycorrhizal and grow at the base of coniferous trees. They preferably grow in leaf litter ground and shady areas under trees. 


Violet Chanterelle mushrooms are best used cooked, such as frying, boiling, or sautéing. Flies prefer this mushroom in the wild, where they lay eggs in more adult mushrooms, thus young mushrooms are suitable. If the mushrooms show evidence of maggots, they can be prepared by boiling and washing to eradicate the larva. Violet Chanterelle mushrooms are solid and meaty, and they hold up nicely in stews, soups, sauces, and chowders.  These Mushrooms can also be served with beef.


Violet Chanterelle table

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