Education Moore Exotics


Victoria Crowned Pigeon



Lifespan: 24-28 years

The Victoria crowned pigeon is a large, bluish-grey bird with graceful, lace-like blue crests, a maroon breast, and red eyes. It belongs to the Goura genus, which contains four distinct, enormous, ground-dwelling pigeons that are native to the New Guinea region. The bird may be easily identified by its distinctive white crest points and by the powerful whooping noises it makes when calling.

Habitat/Native Region

The northern New Guinea and surrounding islands, as well as some areas of Indonesia, are home to Victoria crowned pigeons. They are found in lowland damp and swamp woods, including sago forests, and are frequently found in regions that were once alluvial plains.


It is well known that Victoria crowned pigeons are intelligent and easy to train. Due to their docile nature, this bird is frequently seen at zoos.  They are often left to roam the grounds freely and tend to be happiest when foraging for food on the ground and wandering around.

These large pigeons are typically seen in pairs or small groups and spend the most of their time on the ground. When threatened, they may make an aggressive display in which they turn to face their opponents from the side and spread their wings, making them appear much larger and perhaps more dangerous.


Care as Pet

Because they spend a lot of time on the ground, Victoria crowned pigeons require a lot of space to move around and exercise. In their enclosures, they require a least of 200 square feet of ground space. They also require different height roosts.

Even the most devoted enthusiast may find it challenging to achieve these space requirements. In other words, you shouldn’t think about adopting a Victoria crowned pigeon if you can’t give your bird a flight the size of a typical bedroom.

In a single flight enclosure, these pigeons typically thrive in pairs; a single bird may feel too lonely. Males may clash during the breeding season.

The males have an elaborate courtship dance. A mated pair will typically lay a maximum of three eggs per year. The eggs are incubated by both the male and female, and it takes the baby squabs about a month to hatch and be raised.

Despite having a docile nature, this bird requires regular attention. As foragers, clean the enclosure frequently to prevent health problems from occurring from them consuming their waste along with their food.

Remember that because the birds are native to a tropical area, they thrive in warm, humid environments. Temperatures below 40 degrees Fahrenheit are intolerable to them. You’ll need to consider how to supply heat if your region experiences cold weather. Additionally, the enclosure need to protect the birds from rain and wind.

In general, Victoria crowned pigeons get along nicely with other kinds of birds. When they are the sole ground bird, it is frequently best. For instance, keeping these birds near a busy flocks of chickens will stress them out because pigeons typically prefer a calm environment.



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