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Uvarovite is well known for having a rich, emerald-green hue. The main reason for the green coloration is the chromium content of its crystal structure. The hue can vary from a bright green to a tint that is somewhat yellowish or bluish-green. 

The isometric crystal system is where uvarovite crystallizes. Its crystals frequently form dodecahedra, which are pentagonal structures with 12 faces that are geometrically equal. These crystals are usually only a few millimeters in size, but they can be fairly tiny. 

Geographical Distribution

Uvarovite is a somewhat uncommon mineral that is mostly found in particular geological settings. An outline of its occurrence and geology is provided below: 

Russia: In the Saranovskii Mine, close to Satanovskaya Village, in the Ural Mountains, uvarovite was initially found. This area continues to be one of the main suppliers of uvarovite. Deposits of chromite are frequently linked to Russian uvarovite crystals.

Finland: The Outokumpu region in eastern Finland is also home to uvarovite. It can be found in rocks containing chromite that are connected to skarn and serpentinite deposits.

Turkey: The Eskisehir Province of Turkey is home to uvarovite deposits. It coexists with chromite and other chromium-rich minerals in serpentinized peridotite rocks. 

United States: There have been reports of uvarovite in a number of US sites. It has been discovered in California in the Klamath Mountains’ Serpentine Belt. Alongside serpentinite and other ultramafic rocks, it has also been found in Pennsylvania and North Carolina. 

Other Localities: There are a few other nations where Uvarovite has been reported, including South Africa, Canada, Norway, and Italy. That being said, in comparison to the primary sources previously described, its occurrence in these regions is very limited. 


Germain Henri Hess named it after Russian nobleman and amateur mineral collector Count Sergei Uvarov (1765–1855) when he made the discovery in 1832.

Metaphysical Properties

It has an anti-inflammatory impact and helps with cleansing. It helps mend emotional scars brought on by thoughts of shortage and emotionally restores a sense of worth in oneself. Uvarovite encourages uniqueness, self-reliance, and positivity. Uvarovite opens the Heart Chakra and strengthens spiritual bonds.


Chemical Composition

Uvarovite is a calcium chromium silicate, as shown by its chemical formula, Ca3Cr2(SiO4)3. The main cause of its green hue is chromium, which functions as a chromophore. One of the rare naturally occurring minerals with high chromium content is uvarovite.


  • Gemstone: Uvarovite is a sought-after gemstone due to its vivid green hue and shimmering beauty. It is frequently utilized in jewelry, especially in brooches, earrings, and pendants. Uvarovite is less frequently used as a focal gemstone and more frequently utilized as an accent stone because of its lower crystal size and restricted availability.
  • Ornamental Purposes: Uvarovite is well-liked by mineral collectors and enthusiasts due to its distinctive green color and crystal formations. It is frequently used in ornamental objects, mineral collections, and displays due to its aesthetic appeal.
  • Decorative Inlays: Because of its small crystal size and vivid green color, uvarovite is a good choice for decorative inlays. It can be used to add a touch of elegance and natural beauty to musical instruments, furniture, and ornamental items.
  • Geological and Scientific Research: Uvarovite is important for geological study and research, as are other garnet minerals. Its presence and properties shed important light on particular rock formations, hydrothermal processes, and metamorphic environments.


Uvarovite Table

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