Education Moore Exotics


Unicorn Tang Fish



The length of a unicornfish can exceed 24 inches. Adults are capable of growing as long as 27 inches (70 cm).

Physical Appearance

The dorsal and anal fins of the Unicorn Tang have blue edges as juveniles, and their colour ranges from blue-green to olive. At the spines of the peduncles close to the tail, there are two brilliant blue spots. These tangs will defend themselves against other fish by using their spines as a weapon. When the fish reaches a size of around 6 inches, the Unicorn Tang’s head horn begins to grow.


The Indian Ocean and the Pacific Oceans are both home to unicorn tangs.

Keeping as Pet


Tank Size

A 250 gallon (946 litre) tank or larger is required for the Unicorn Tang in order to provide enough swimming room and good water quality. Once accustomed, they may be fairly tough and should get along with other non-tang species, but they could be intimidated by fish that are more aggressive, such triggerfish.


You will need to add Nori or other vegetable matter like Nori, Romaine lettuce, spinach leaves, or broccoli to your tang’s diet in smaller tanks with less live rock to create algae. Additionally, they will take flake food and sporadic little meaty offers like Mysis prawns. Maintaining a balanced diet will keep your tang healthy and vibrant. Even while a well-fed tang won’t pick at your corals, it’s possible if there’s no algae or Nori around.

Water Conditions

Temperature: 72.0 to 78.0° F (22.2 to 25.6° C)

Specific gravity: 1.023-1.025 SG

Range pH: 8.1-8.4


unicorn-tang-fish table

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