Education Moore Exotics


Unicorn Mantis

Unicorn Mantis.


Scientific Name: Pseudovates arizonae

Lifespan: 6-12 months

Their common name comes from the strange horn-like projections that protrude from their heads and resemble a single spire. The stripes on the Unicorn Mantis are dark brown, black, and light brown. The legs have light and dark brown stripes. The adults resemble newly sprouted leaves on a branch with their dark brown bodies and green wings. They have a little horn (really two cones close together) on top of their heads. They have narrow, slightly bent front legs. There is a long, smooth, and thin as a twig segment between the forelegs and the remaining legs and torso. They blend in so well as a stick.


Brazilian rainforest discovered a new species of “unicorn” praying mantis. A unicorn mantis belonging to the genus Zoolea that was discovered in Brazil’s Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu may very well be a new species.


Praying mantis Pseudovates arizonae are a calm species. A typical predator waits and waits. It carefully waits for a prey to approach, relying on her camouflage, and waits for the right time to strike. The preferred food of Pseudovates arizonae is flies, which it can even scoop out of the air!

Keeping as a Pet/ In Captivity

Unicorn Mantis

Environmental conditions

Although it can range from 24 °C to 33 °C, the optimal temperature is probably around 28 °C. The temperature can be permitted to drop to 18 ° C at night.

When it comes to air humidity, this species is not particularly picky. To allow them to drink and stay enough wet to molt, you only need to spray them once every four days. 40% to 50% humidity is a target range. In the long term, excessive humidity is fatal, just like for other species.


This kind of praying mantis needs an enclosure that is at least three times its length in height and at least twice its length in width, as do all other varieties. This means that it must be at least 21 cm tall and 15 cm wide for an adult. A terrarium should be at least 25 x 25 x 30 cm in size to provide for plenty of fake plants and perches.


It is important to only provide flying prey for your unicorn mantis, like as flies, moths, and butterflies.


Unicorn Mantis table


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