Education Moore Exotics


Ukrainian Levkoy Cat



Size: 11-15 pounds

With its inward-folding ears and little to no hair, the Ukrainian Levkoy is a cat breed that has a distinctive appearance. These cats are a medium size, with a rather lengthy body that looks both lean and powerful. They have soft, elastic skin, which when in excess causes wrinkles to form.

Origin and History

The Ukrainian Levkoy is a relatively new man-made breed (2000–2011), which was first created in Ukraine by Elena Biriukova. The Scottish Fold males and hairless Donskoy females were crossed or outbred to produce the distinctive and unusual appearance of the Ukrainian Levkoy. The two naturally occurring dominant FD mutations of cats with folded ears (which appeared in a straightforward domestic cat in Scotland) and the BD spontaneous natural dominant mutation of hairlessness or baldness in domestic cats in Russia were both employed. Both had appeared in Scotland and Russia in the previous century. To produce the specific traits needed for the Ukrainian Levkoy, domestic and Oriental cats were also employed in mating.

ICFA RUI (Rolandus Union International) approved the breed in 2005 for use in Ukraine. The ICFA WCA acknowledged it in Russia in 2010. It was decided in Ukraine that Ukrainian Levkoys might receive the title of “Champion” and could compete in “The Best in Show” competition as of September 2010. These titles are currently bestowed to 10 Ukrainian Levkoys. The inaugural “Champion” and “The Best in Show” titles were awarded in Russia in 2011. As an experimental breed without the “Champion” designation at cat shows, the other organizations are breeding this new breed of Ukrainian Levkoy.


Social Needs: Levkoys are generally peaceful creatures but can be highly lively. They require lots of playtime and toys.

The bright, sociable, and kind Ukrainian Levkoy cat breed. Levkoys are quite friendly and enjoy being around people, their families, and other domestic animals (such as dogs, rats, and pigs). They take pleasure in communicating with their human family members, playing with toys, and exploring their surroundings. They do like to cuddle up for a protracted snooze, especially when the weather is chilly.

As Pet


Food & Diet Requirements

Since the Ukrainian Levkoy lack hair, they frequently expend a lot of energy just to keep warm. They tend to consume more than the ordinary cat, despite the fact that they are naturally lean and smaller than many other cat breeds. More food than what is recommended in the feeding guidelines may need to be given to your cat. Choosing a commercial food with actual meat as the first ingredient is crucial.

Anywhere on the packaging of the food you choose should state that it complies with AAFCO rules. Pick a food that is appropriate for the stage of life your cat is in from the many options available. When in doubt, consult a knowledgeable veterinarian for advice.


Although Ukrainian Levkoys are active cats, owners should keep them inside due to their susceptibility to the light, heat, and cold as well as the danger of theft given their scarcity. Nevertheless, there are several things you can do to make sure your indoor Ukrainian Levkoy gets the exercise they require.

Make sure your cat has access to a range of enrichment activities at all times. The best options include cat puzzles, puzzle feeders, and motorized toys. Second, ensure that your home has at least one scratching post. Consider adding a few tiny shelves to a wall so that your cat may jump and climb up there. By carrying out these activities, you may keep your cat active and healthy, keep their mind engaged, and prevent damage to your drapes and furnishings.


The Levkoy of Ukraine are thought to be hairless, yet most of them have thin, fuzzy hair on their bodies that may be felt but can be difficult to detect depending on the lighting. There are still other things you should do to maintain your cat’s body clean and healthy, even though there is no need to comb or brush them.

The Levkoy of Ukraine are thought to be hairless, yet most of them have thin, fuzzy hair on their bodies that may be felt but can be difficult to detect depending on the lighting. There are still other things you should do to maintain your cat’s body clean and healthy, even though there is no need to comb or brush them.


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