Education Moore Exotics


Tumbler Pigeon



Lifespan: 7-10 years

Depending on the variety, Tumbler pigeons come in different sizes. Additionally, they come in a huge range of body forms, plumage colors, and feather combinations. When compared to conventional pigeons, these birds’ heads are typically round, with a forehead that looks to be protruding somewhat. Most Tumbler species typically have beaks that are short or middle in length. Depending on the type, the beak’s colour can change. They often have a thick neck, but it shouldn’t be too short. Depending on the species, their eyes might have different colors. Some breeds favour eyes that are pearl or yellow in colour.

Origin/ Habitat

It is thought to have its roots in or around India. All domesticated pigeon breeds are descended from wild or feral rock pigeons, including this one. The domesticated pigeon breed is an extremely old one. Additionally, the fact that this breed has been since the 1700s is where the moniker “Ancient” comes from.

As Pet



They need a well-constructed pigeon loft that enables them to move around, as they desire to fly or to return to their home loft to eat, provide protection from bad weather, and provide a secure environment for reproduction.


In terms of food, tumblers are not choosy. They readily accept various fruits, vegetables, cereals, seeds, and pellets. Some breeders add grits, gravel, vitamins, and calcium to their diets. It’s crucial to avoid overfeeding them because if they do, they’ll get fat and lose interest in acting. The quantity of food varies depending on the size of the pigeon and the type of food that is provided. There are numerous commercial pigeon feeds available. A high-quality feed is required if performance and good health are top priorities. Both excellent health and the condition of their plumage depend on water. All day long, there must be access to fresh, clean water.


tumbler-pigeon table

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