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The primary characteristic that sets tsavorite apart is its color. Though tsavorite is sometimes likened to emeralds in terms of color, tsavorite typically has a more vivid and intense green tint. The hue can range from yellowish-green to bluish-green, depending on the trace elements that are present. Because tsavorite is usually transparent, light may travel through and give it a beautiful glitter. When polished, it has a vitreous (glassy) luster.


Geographical Distribution

It’s important to remember that, although tsavorite is mostly found in East Africa, there are also trace amounts of the gemstone found in Madagascar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Brazil, among other places on Earth. Still, the most important and sought-after sources of tsavorite are the deposits in East Africa.


The term “tsavorite” comes from its discovery in the 1960s in Tanzania, close to the Tsavo National Park. Tanzania and Kenya are the main locations of tsavorite sources in East Africa. In the Taita Hills, close to Tanzania’s Tsavo National Park, a Scottish gemologist by the name of Campbell Bridges made the first known discovery of tsavorite in 1967. Subsequently, large quantities were discovered in Kenya, a neighboring country, specifically in the Kuranze area, Taita-Taveta, and Voi regions. 

Chemical Composition

Tsavorite is a member of the garnet mineral group and is a calcium-aluminum silicate. It is expressed chemically as Ca3Al3(SiO4)3.


These are a some of its main applications:

  • Jewelry: When used in jewelry, tsavorite garnets are a popular choice because of their vivid green color. They are utilized in many different kinds of jewelry, such as bracelets, brooches, necklaces, earrings, rings, and pendants. Favorite jewelry can be made for formal events as well as casual wear.
  • Collectibles: Exceptional and rare Gemstone collectors and connoisseurs are drawn to specimens of tsavorite, especially those with great purity and a vivid green color. The worth of these specimens may increase with time.
  • Investment: Because tsavorite garnets are rare and sought-after by jewelry aficionados, some people buy them as an investment with the expectation that their value would rise over time.


Tsavorite Table

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