Triggerfishes can range in size from three inches for the smallest to two feet for the largest.
Physical characteristics and behavior
The body of the triggerfish is oval-shaped and highly compressed. The enormous skull contracts into a small, powerful mouth with teeth developed specifically for breaking shells. The eyes are small and set far back from the rest of the face, high on the skull. The gill plates (opercula) are hidden beneath a thick, robust, and armoured skin layer that is coated in rough, rhomboid scales.
As Pet
- Tank Size
Given that they grow to be very huge, this species needs an aquarium that is 500 gallons or bigger and has lots of swimming room. These triggerfish will consume any crustacean in the reef aquarium and are not suitable for it. One of the more aggressive species in your collection, they ought to be added last.
- Water Conditions
Particularly coral reefs, they enjoy residing in the warm, shallow water close to the beach. In areas without coral reefs, other shallow water settings, including stony outcrops, are acceptable.
- Feeding
One of the simplest saltwater species to maintain is the triggerfish. Most species are quite hardy, easily adapt to aquarium living, and will consume almost anything you put in front of them as food, including your fingers.
Triggerfish are carnivores that graze on a variety of echinoderms and crustaceans throughout the course of the day, including crabs, shrimp, sea urchins, worms, and other invertebrates. Although they don’t eat coral, they might have a propensity to pick at clams and other creatures that are clinging to coral or living rock.
- Care and Habitat of Triggerfish
Triggerfish are bottom-dwellers that typically inhabit coral reefs’ shallower, inland regions. They require a lot of space to move around because they are very active fish. Unless you have a smaller species that grows to only a few inches, they should only be housed in larger aquariums. Make sure to research any specific trigger type you intend to buy. Keep in mind that some species can reach sizes of up to 14 or 16 inches. The best thing to do is to offer these fish with a lot of pebbles, stones, or coral formations. The more things they have to hide around, under, or behind, the better.