Education Moore Exotics


Tonkinese Cat



 Size: 6-12lbs

The Tonkinese is an Eastern cat with big eyes wide open that range in color from light blue to green and a softly rounded head. This cat has large, widely spaced ears that give off an intellectual appearance. The Tonkinese, often known as the “Tonk,” has a small, fine coat that drapes close to the body and has an extraordinarily smooth feel, accentuating its solid, muscular, long, and slim physique. Overall, this cat is quite pretty and “neat,” without some of the excesses of certain Eastern varieties.

Tonkinese cat


 Activity Level: High

Social needs: Like human or other animals company

The Tonkinese is a playful and clever cat that enjoys playing, but due to its laid-back personality, it is also pleased to spend time with its family without much excitement or attention. When spoken to, it enjoys “talking,” but it doesn’t overdo it. The Tonk has an unstoppable love of humans in its heart. It wants to be caressed, held, engaged in conversation, engaged in play, and nestled on a warm lap. The Tonkinese cat may be the ideal choice for households with small children looking for a tolerant, entertaining pet.


A Siamese and a Burmese were purposefully crossed to create the Tonkinese, which has traits from both breeds. They were first created in the US in the 1950s under the name “Golden Siamese,” but it took them some time to become well-known. In the 1960s, they were essentially “rebranded” as Tonkinese cats, which helped make them popular as pets and show cats.

Care as a Pet

The Tonkinese is simple to look after. Grooming is infrequently required because to the short coat’s low maintenance requirements. Regular play is all they need for fitness, and this curious cat enjoys the occasional puzzle toy. Consider getting a second cat if you don’t already have one; Tonkinese cats like having a playmate and friend when their owner is away. If you do have other pets in the house, the Tonkinese will quickly form animal friendships. Even though Tonkinese has minimal grooming requirements, it is prone to gingivitis, so start brushing your teeth when you’re young to make it a habit.

Nutrition and Diet

The Tonkinese cat, like many others nowadays, is prone to obesity and should be given a moderate amount of properly balanced food. When choosing the best food for your cat, you should also take other health risks that are unique to Tonkinese into account. For instance, certain diets are developed to regulate urine pH to assist prevent bladder stones, while others are centered on oral health. Consult your veterinarian for advice on the best cat food.

Grooming needs

 The Tonkinese coat requires just weekly brushing. Regular nail cutting and ear washing are the only additional grooming necessities.


tonkinese table

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