Education Moore Exotics


Tongue Mushroom

Tongue Mushroom

Scientific name 

Fistulina hepatica


Tongue mushrooms are a unique type of mushroom and are also known as beef steak mushrooms. They have an uneven, flat look and grow in a hemispheric, shelf-like form with undulating to curved edges. They have a diameter of 7- 20 cm. These mushrooms are wet and have a light red-pink color in the juvenile stage, but as it grows, the skin changes color to a dark red-brown. When immature, the pores are little white spots that give the underside a rough feel; as the mushroom grows, the pores extend into individual pores having ivory to pale pink tubes that become brown-red when disturbed. 

They have the distinguishing features of striated white and crimson flesh that is soft, watery, and somewhat stretchy. When cut, the flesh emits a viscous, sticky, and crimson-colored substance, which may also be detected on the outside. When uncooked, these mushrooms have a chewy, crunchy, and delicate texture with a tangy, acidic, and earthy taste.

Tongue Mushroom


Tongue mushrooms are native to North America, North, and South Africa, Australia, and Europe. They are found low down on the trunks of trees, most often oaks and sweet chestnuts, and they are extremely widespread in trunks or roots of fallen trees, and fallen dead leafless trunks.


Tongue mushrooms have a sour flavor, are edible, and are regarded as desirable by some; nevertheless, mature mushrooms should be soaked in water since their juice can induce digestive trouble. It was once utilized as a meat replacement and is still available in a few French stores. Tongue mushrooms must be gathered young for consumption, and they could be rough and need prolonged cooking.


Tongue Mushroom table

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