Education Moore Exotics


Titan Beetle

Titan Beetle

One of the two contenders for the title of largest beetle in the world, along with the Hercules beetle, is the titan beetle. They can grow to a maximum length of 18 cm (7 inches) in total. These insects are native to South America, although there are just a few recordings of them as adults and no information on their larvae.

They belong to the Coleoptera phylum. This covers all beetles, which have about 400,000 different species. Beetles have elytra, which are rigid front wings. Some are quite tiny, while others, like the Titan Beetle, are enormous. They are members of the Animalia kingdom, Insecta class, and Arthropoda phylum.

What appearance does the titan beetle have?

  • Mandible

A powerful mandible that may be used to rip through wood is located at the front of their heads. According to legend, they possess enough strength to split a pencil in half. 

  • Antenna

Two antennae stick out from the titan beetle’s head. 

  • Abdomen

This species bears chestnut coloring all across its abdomen. 

  • Thorax, Head, Mandible and Antenna

They have a black thorax, head, mandible, and antennae. 

  • Legs

They have a total of six legs as an insect, three on each side of the body. 

  • Spines

These have pointed spines that serve to frighten off potential predators.

  • Length

The titan beetle is the largest beetle ever found in the Amazon rainforest and one of the largest insect species in the entire globe. Whether this species or the Hercules beetle is the biggest beetle in the world is up for debate. The titan beetle can grow up to 18 cm (7 in) in length as an adult. Males and females look similar to one another.



Where can you find it?

The titan beetle is indigenous to South America. Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru are the nations where this species is found. Brazil, Bolivia, and the Guianas.


What kind of surroundings does the titan beetle inhabit?

The habitats of these creatures are found in rainforests.

What food does a titan beetle consume?

The titan beetle does not eat while it is an adult. During this phase of their lives, breeding takes up all of their energy. Young animals will dig in decomposing wood because it is what they eat.


How do titan beetles create their young?

By flying around and detecting the chemicals in the air, a partner is discovered. Larvae will burrow into a tree after emerging from their egg. They spend the following two years growing in this location in preparation to pupate into an adult beetle. Although pupae have not been spotted in the wild, this species’ boreholes have been discovered. The estimated length of these larvae, if this identification is accurate, is 5.5 cm (2 inches). After becoming adults, they are sexually mature and will spend their final few weeks of life mating.


These critters have wings. Males employ this habit to search for females to mate with most frequently. Males drawn to lights make up the majority of those observed. Flight is uncommon since it needs a lot of energy.


titan beetle table

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