Education Moore Exotics


Thai Ridgeback

Thai Ridgeback Dogs

The medium- to large-sized Thai Ridgeback is a robust breed with wild origins in Thailand. The ridge of hair that runs along the back of this athletic breed grows in the opposite way from the rest of its hair. Thai Ridgebacks, who are hardly ever seen outside of Thailand, are strong, protective, and fiercely loyal canines.

Care as a Pet/ In Captivity

The Thai Ridgeback is a low-maintenance breed that will be content in your home but prefers mild to warm weather because it does not perform well in extreme cold. If at all possible, this breed should reside indoors and have access to a yard with a fence.



Thai Ridgebacks require little grooming. All that is normally required to keep the coat lustrous and eliminate dead hairs is an occasional brushing. This breed sheds extremely little and has no undercoat. But seasonal increases in shedding can be prevented by brushing your pet’s coat and giving them a bath when necessary. Like any dog, their nails should be cut regularly, and they should have their ears checked and cleaned on occasion.


Because they are active dogs, Thai Ridgebacks require daily exercise to stay in condition, provide them a way to burn off excess energy, and keep them from getting bored. Dog sports can be beneficial for active dogs, and in colder areas, puzzles and games are excellent indoor activities.

Nutrition and Diet

All dogs need a healthy diet, and the Thai Ridgeback is no exception. Pick a high-quality dog food that has a lot of animal proteins. Your dog will eat more readily and stay hydrated if you feed him a mixture of wet and dry food. Up until they are about a year old, puppies should be fed food that is indicated for growth.


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