Education Moore Exotics


Thai Devil Crab

Thai Devil-Crab

These small creatures are angels, contradicting their names. They have an exotic edge thanks to their vibrant purple body. Additionally, you can find them in glistening reds and oranges. Additionally, they stand out from the rest of the creature population because of contrasting red tones on their claws and parts of their head.


From the Red Sea and the east coast of Africa to the Tuamotus, including the southern islands of Japan and the northern Great Barrier Reef, the Cardisoma carnifex species of land crab is widespread.

The municipalities of Magsaysay, Dumaran, Taytay, El Nido, and Puerto Princesa City in Palawan have reported it. Additionally, it occurs in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands and coastal areas of northern Australia.

Thai Devil Crabs are well adapted to terrestrial settings and typically live on the landward edge of mangroves, hiding in the mud. Additionally, it can be found all over the high intertidal grove.


Cardisoma carnifex are largely herbivorous, favoring soft leaves, fruits, berries, flowers, etc., according to stomach content analysis. It does not, however, rule out their omnivorous nature, which enables them to consume a variety of meals, including small prey.

The optimal growth for Thai Devil Crabs in captivity requires a balanced diet of meat and plants. Protein in their diets should make up between 10% and 15% of their daily diet.

Interesting Facts

  • Several land crab species, including Cardisoma carnifex, have been reported to be poisonous, but this is likely certainly due to their diet since these herbivorous crabs occasionally eat deadly plants. However, once they have been kept for a little amount of time and have had their intestines removed, they are safe to eat, even by humans.
  • Crabs in the genus Cardisoma are capable of detecting minute ground vibrations between 10 and 5000 Hz at a volume of 70 dB. Due to an increase in the quantity and size of ommatidia, visual acuity rises with body size (optical units that make up the compound eye of a crab). 

As Pet

Thai Devil-Crab

Tank Size

Due to their propensity for expansion, Thai Devil Crabs should only be kept in big tank arrangements. Thus, a 15 gallon (or 60 liters) tank is the smallest size that is advised. To move around, these crabs require a lot of surface area. One male and one female may coexist as adults in a container of at least 40 gallons (180 liters), but two adult males would require a much larger space to prevent territorial fights. Thai Devil Crabs are excellent evaders. It is wise to cover your tanks as much as possible. Keep in mind that they are also rather powerful and can move light lids.


For Thai Devil crabs, the ideal temperature range is between 71 and 79 °F (22 and 26 °C). They do favor an atmosphere that is warm and muggy. If you choose to use a heat pad, make sure it only covers a third (or less) of the tank so that crabs can migrate freely between warmer and cooler areas. Your crabs can adjust their body temperature in accordance with their needs thanks to this.


Thai Devil crabs are fairly resistant to changes in humidity. They are also simple to take care of for this reason. However, maintaining a humidity level of at least 60% is still advised for ideal conditions.


thai devil crab table

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