Education Moore Exotics





68 – 90 kg.



Physical Appearance

The breed stands out for having a short, wide face with a black snout and prominent, nearly horizontally carried, short ears. The hooves of these sheep are also black. There are no black fibres in the medium-grade (46’s-56’s) wool.

Texel sheep

Characteristics and Genetics

The North Sea island of Texel, located above Holland, is where the Texel got its start. They have had to develop valuable qualities as a result of the challenging and frequently hopeless circumstances. It is well known throughout many nations as a breed that, when crossed, passes on its traits to its offspring. Due to their lack of scrapie, Denmark and Finland were the sources of the Texels brought into New Zealand. In 1990, they were allowed to leave quarantine.


The Texel sheep is a breed of meat sheep. It is primarily grown to produce meat.

Special Statements

  • The Texel sheep are well-known for being good meat animals. The exceptional muscle development and leanness of this breed are its most impressive characteristics.
  • In these comparisons, Texel-sired lambs also display an advantage of one complete leg score and reduced overall carcass fat, particularly seam fat. When compared to other sheep breeds, they grow considerably more quickly with less feed.


texel table

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