Education Moore Exotics


Teddy Roosevelt Terrier

teddy roosevelt

The Teddy Roosevelt terrier is a small hunting terrier with a short, dense, bi- or tri-colored coat that was named after the 26th President of the United States. Although it has shorter legs, the Teddy Roosevelt terrier is closely related to the rat terrier. The Teddy Roosevelt terrier, sometimes known as “Teddies,” is a small yet tenacious breed with a lively and outgoing behavior.

Care as a Pet/ In Captivity

The Teddy Roosevelt terrier is a breed that requires little maintenance. They have a lot of energy, but because of their little stature, it’s easier for them to burn it off than it would be for a larger dog. Additionally, they shed moderately and require some grooming maintenance, neither of which pose any difficulties for the average owner.

teddy roosevelt dog


Terriers like Teddy Roosevelt are active and athletic. Considering their diminutive stature, they require a lot more exercise than you may think. Daily strolls or hikes are enjoyable, but you might also want to think about swimming, competitive retrieve or Frisbee activities, or even agility or fly ball training. When you’re out and about, be careful to put your Teddy on a leash because their drive to seek and hunt small animals is so powerful that it can even cause them to dash into traffic.


 These smooth, short-haired terriers shed a little bit, but regular brushing can help keep it to a minimum. Every time it gets dirty, give your Teddy Roosevelt Terrier a bath, and trim their nails every two weeks. Check their ears once a week for any signs of redness, dirt, or odor. If the ears become dirty, clean them with a pet-safe ear cleaner, and schedule a visit with your veterinarian if they appear inflamed, have an excessive amount of discharge, or smell bad. Brushing our dog’s teeth at least a few times a week will help maintain its good oral health.

Nutrition and Diet

Feed your Teddy Roosevelt terrier measured portions of age-appropriate dog food twice daily to prevent overfeeding. Free feeding, which involves constantly filling the dish, can result in excessive weight gain, which can put stress on your dog’s joints and back and develop other health issues, such as diabetes. On the other hand, certain Teddies that are particularly active may require extra food to fuel their bodies. Ask your vet or breeder for advice if you’re unsure about how much to feed.


teddy roosevelt table

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