Education Moore Exotics





5 inches.

Physical Appearance and Characteristic

The very long, sword-like lower tail fin lobe on the male swordtail, which can grow to a maximum length of about 13 centimeters (five inches), makes this huge fish easy to identify. Similar to the platy, this species of fish has been extensively employed in research on genetics and medicine.


When kept in captivity, swordtails appear to thrive in a variety of settings that include temperatures between 72 and 79 degrees Fahrenheit, moderate alkalinity (pH 7.2), and a DH of 10-15.

Setup for Keeping as Pet


  • Tank Setup

These aquarium settings are ideal for keeping swordtail fish:

  • Water Type

Freshwater, with a biweekly water change rate of 25%. If the tank is extremely populated or thickly vegetated, make modifications on a weekly basis.

If there are symptoms of infection, adding a teaspoon of salt to every gallon of water can help keep parasites at bay, although it is not strictly necessary.

Tank Size

Minimum 15 gallons should be in the tank for one swordtail fish. Per more fish, 5 gallons should increase the size. These energetic fish have more space to explore and swim in an expanded tank configuration.

  • Water temperature 

17–27°C (64–82°F).

  • Substrate

Swordtails don’t have a specific preference for substrate. Rarely do these fish spend any time near the tank’s bottom.

However, the swordtail fish’s greatest colors are displayed over a dark, sandy substrate.

  • Tank setup

Swordtail fish are more comfortable in a biotope tank layout, which mimics the fish’s natural habitat. Although the tank should have plenty of open room, it should be densely vegetated. Include caverns everywhere across the tank. Purchase a tank with a tight-fitting lid to stop swordtail fish from leaping out of the water.

  • Acidity

Keep the pH between 7.0 and 8.4 to avoid too much acidity. Swordtail fish prefer water that is somewhat alkaline.

  • Hardness of water 

Hardness ranges from 12 to 30 dGH. Fish like swordtails are used to slightly harsh water.

  • Filter 

To preserve the water at its best, a filtration system is necessary. For swordtail fish, a filter that produces a moderate flow is ideal.

  • Blower 

Not required

  • Lightening

During the day, swordtail fish require moderate lighting (12 hours daily). Direct, strong illumination stresses swordtail fish.

  • Plants

Fill the tank with tough, thick aquatic plants. Anubias nana, dwarf hairgrass, java fern, and scarlet temple are excellent live plant selections.


swordtails table

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