Education Moore Exotics


Sweet Woodruff

Sweet Woodruff


Sweet woodruff, or Galium odoratum, is a perennial that creeps and forms mats. It is frequently utilized as a groundcover in locations that receive shade. It has aromatic, lance-shaped, dark green leaves and lovely clusters of white, star-shaped flowers in the spring. Sweet woodruff is quite simple to cultivate and may be easily adapted to a variety of soil types and moisture levels. It is regarded as one of the rare flowers that is resistant to rabbits and is resistant to deer.


Sweet woodruff, also known as sweet scented bedstraw, is a flowering perennial plant in the Rubiaceae family that is native to Western Siberia, Turkey, Iran, the Caucasus, China, and Japan, as well as much of Europe, ranging from Spain and Ireland to Russia.


The aerial parts are utilized in the production of pharmaceuticals. Sweet woodruff is occasionally taken orally to treat and prevent problems of the heart, lungs, stomach, liver, gallbladder, and urinary tract, among many other conditions. For hemorrhoids and sores, some individuals apply sweet woodruff directly to the skin.

Sweet Woodruff.

Plant Care

  • Light

Full to moderate shade is ideal for sweet woodruff growth, especially when planted beneath trees. The leaves can get scorched by direct sunlight, especially in the middle of summer when it’s the brightest.

  • Soil

Although the plant can withstand a lot of different situations, it does best in environments with regular moisture, proper drainage, and a slightly acidic pH. Although it can thrive in both clay and sandy soil, rich, loamy soil is ideal for it.

  • Water

Sweet woodruff can grow in dry shade, but it thrives in situations with damp to wet soil. Water only during extended dry spells to keep the plant from spreading too much.

  • Temperature and Humidity

This plant does well in a variety of climates across its hardiness range, and it has even been known to venture a little further north, into somewhat colder regions. Sweet woodruff does, however, occasionally go dormant in extremely hot weather, but it quickly recovers when the temperature drops.

  • Fertilizer

In general, sweet woodruff doesn’t need to be fed. However, if the soil is poor, a new plant may benefit from an all-purpose fertilizer to get started. Refer to the product label for directions on how much to use.


Sweet Woodruff table

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