Education Moore Exotics


Swallowtail Headshield Slug



A species of small, colorful opisthobranch gastropod mollusk belonging to the family Aglajidae is called Chelidonura hirundinina. Although it can grow up to 40 mm in length, this species typically grows to be smaller. Red, orange, dark brown, or black are all acceptable background colors. The animal’s body is striped in blue, black, and orange, and it also has a white marking towards the back. The genus Chelidonura is distinguished by its two rather long “tails” at each end of the creature. On the front edge of the head, they have well-developed sensory cilia that are utilized to locate prey.

Geographical Distribution

This species can be found in the Caribbean Sea and western parts of the Indo-Pacific.



They have a ravenous appetite and feed with a raspy tongue. They are sluggish moving, can swim, or are driven along by muscle contraction or by millions of microscopic hairs on the bottom of a fleshy ‘foot’. Depending on the species, they lay their eggs in a ribbon-like pattern on the sand in various hues.


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