Education Moore Exotics


Sukermouth Catfish

Suckermouth catfish


Maximum SL length for this species is 49 centimeters (19 inches), and they can weigh up to 310 grams.

Physical Characteristics and Behavior

It frequently gets confused with the Hypostomus plecostomus. The difference between these two species can be determined by counting the rays on each dorsal fin. The P. pardalis has 11–13 dorsal rays as opposed to the 5-8 on an H. plecostomus. Spotted patterning makes it possible to distinguish it from P. disjunctives, which is a common blunder. This fish’s albino variety is frequently called an “Albino Plecostomus.”

Keeping and Care as Pet

Suckermouth catfish

  • Water Conditions

Muddy areas with temperatures between 27.9 and 28.3 degrees Celsius, dissolved oxygen concentrations between 6.3 and 6.7 milligrams per litre, pH levels between 6.5 and 7.5, total dissolved solids concentrations between 0.0980 and 0.2222 milligrams per litre, turbidity between 6.80 and 18.88 FTU, and substrate measuring between 0.062 and 0.004 millimeters have been identified as P. pardalis spawning areas.

  • Compatibility with tanks mates

Can be kept with peaceful or semi-aggressive tank mates of equal size. They can be territorial, thus they shouldn’t be maintained with Plecos or members of their own species.

  • Diet

They will graze on algae in the tank’s surroundings, and bogwood is also good for their diet. will also consume blanched veggies and algae wafers. Possibly seen eating live foods provided for tank mates as well as dead fish. Depending on the amount of algae in the tank, feed once or twice a day.

  • Tank setup

Requires a tank that is very roomy and thoroughly filtered. will plant removal. When the lights are on, hiding spots for concealment are appreciated.


sukermouth catfish table

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