Education Moore Exotics





The strawberry fruit is not a real berry, but rather a “accessory fruit” according to botany. The flesh, which is composed of the noticeably larger flower receptacle, contains the numerous true fruits, which are more popularly known as seeds.


The fruiting habits of strawberry plants are used to classify them. Knowing what you are planting is important since it will affect when and how much you will harvest.

June-bearing: In warmer climates, they will start bearing early. This cultivar produces one huge harvest per year over a two- to three-week period, often in the middle of June.

Everbearing: Contrary to what its name might imply, these strawberries don’t always produce fruit.

Day-neutral: These strawberries bear fruit all during the growing season, but less abundantly than plants that bear fruit in June.


The fruits, which are rich in vitamin C, can be consumed in a number of ways and are usually eaten fresh as a dessert fruit or as a filling for pastries or pies. Strawberry shortcake, a traditional American dessert prepared with sponge cake, fresh strawberries, and whipped cream.



3.5 ounces (100 grams) of raw strawberries contain the following nutrients:

Calories: 32

Water: 91%

Protein: 0.7 grams

Carbs: 7.7 grams

Sugar: 4.9 grams

Fiber: 2 grams

Fat: 0.3 grams


The strawberry requires remarkably little fertilizer compared to other horticulture crops and thrives in a surprising variety of soils and environments. However, it is prone to drought and needs soil that retains moisture or irrigation by a sprinkler or furrow.

Additionally, because the plants are vulnerable to worms and dangerous soil fungus, many gardeners sterilize the soil before planting by using chemicals like methyl bromide. If a harvest is needed the next year, runner plants are planted in the early autumn. To prevent a weakened crop the first year, plants that are planted in the winter or spring are deblossomed. Typically, plants are kept for one to four years.



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