Education Moore Exotics


Spotted Longhorn Beetle

Spotted Longhorn beetle

The Rutpela maculata, is a species of flower longhorn beetle belonging to the Cerambycidae subfamily Lepturinae.


The majority of this beetle is found in the Near East, Europe and the eastern Palearctic region.

Identification Characters

  • Its four black bands on its tapered wing casings, which are complete at the back but fractured closer to the thorax, can recognize it. 
  • The tips of the four front legs are black on yellow legs. Most of the rear legs are black.


  • The adult size can reach 13 to 20 millimeters (0.51–0.79 in). 
  • The elytra roughly resemble wasps having yellowish stripes and black dots, giving them some shelter from birds. 
  • The head and pronotum are dark brown.
Spotted longhorn beetle
Close-up of a spotted longhorn beetle (Strangalia maculata) resting on a leaf in a Norfolk wood.

Life Cycle

Adults are observable from May through August after going through their entire life cycle in 2-3 years. 


They have a 2-4 weeks lifespan. 


They frequently visit flowers and feed on the nectar and pollen, especially species of the Apiaceae family. The larvae of deciduous trees are polyphagous, eating a variety of plants.

Why do they not keep them as pets?

Humans cannot be stung or bit by longhorn beetles, but they are also not suitable as pets. It would not be ideal to keep these pests inside because the various species of this bug prefer to reside in trees and feed on wood. Because treating this insect like a pet is difficult, it is best to let them alone.


spotted longhorn table

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