Education Moore Exotics


Splash Tetra

Splash tetra fish


A splashing tetra typically measures 3 to 4 centimeters (1.2 to 1.5 inches) in length (1.2 to 1.6 in).

Physical Characteristics and Behavior

The Splash Tetra has a very long body. The underside is white, and the back and upper sections range in color from olive green to brown. From the gill cover to the tail fin, there is a vertical black stripe. There is a thin line with a coppery tint above the more bottomless band. From the nose to the gill cover, a black line extends through the eye. The top portion of the iris will develop an orange iridescence under ideal water conditions.

Keeping as Pet

Splash tetra

  • Water Conditions

Away from the main rivers, splash tetras live in slow-moving blackwater creeks and calm river channels, frequently in regions with a lot of overhanging vegetation. found in acidic to basic (pH 6.0-8.0) tropical freshwater habitats, between 25 and 29 °C.

  • The Aquarium Size

Although smaller aquariums can be utilized for breeding, surface measurements of 90*30 cm or comparable should be the minimum taken into consideration for long-term care.

  • Diet

A little predator that lives in nature and feeds on zooplankton, especially near the water’s surface.  It will eat dry foods that are the right size in the aquarium, but it should also be given daily meals of small live and frozen foods like Artemia nauplii, Moina, grindal worm, etc. Although it’s recommended to fill the stomachs of these small insects by giving them fish flakes or some other type of vegetable matter before providing them to the fish, other small insects like crickets or Drosophila fruit flies are also good for usage.

  • Maintenance

If you want to rear fry with the adults, it is best kept in a thickly planted aquarium or paludarium with some overhanging plants (see “Reproduction”). Since this species appears to favour quite gloomy circumstances and spends a lot of time in the upper section of the water column, floating plants are particularly helpful. The addition of dried leaf litter emphasizes the natural feel even more and, in addition to providing more cover for the fish, encourages the development of microbial colonies as decomposition takes place. These can be an important secondary source of food for fry, and the tannins and other compounds generated by the decomposing leaves are also thought to be advantageous for fish living in blackwater conditions. For the latter objective, alder cones may also be employed. A small amount of surface agitation is suggested to ensure the water is well-oxygenated. This fish shouldn’t be added to an aquarium with immature biological conditions because it is susceptible to changes in water chemistry.

  • Behavior and Compatibility

Peaceful but not quite right for the neighbourhood community aquarium. It may be best kept with smaller callichthyidae or loricariid catfish, diminutive, non-predatory cichlids, gasteropelecids, lebiasinids, and fish of comparable size. You’ll be rewarded with a more realistic spectacle if you try to purchase a mixed-sex group of at least 8–10 individuals, incorporating other schooling fishes to give protection. Males compete with one another for the attention of females by exhibiting their best color and engaging behavior.


splash tetra table

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