Education Moore Exotics


Spiderman Monstera


When mature, this Monstera-like plant climbs and develops lobed leaves and fenestrations. This exotic plant appreciates being supported and stimulated by being elevated on a moss pole.


Spiderman Monstera


Without adequate sunshine, Amydrium medium silver may struggle to thrive and shed leaves.

To maximum growth potential, place it less than 3 feet from a south-facing window.


Choose your region to explore how the current weather impacts the placement of Amydrium medium silver in your house.


Most potting soils include an abundance of nutrients that plants utilize to develop new growth.

By the time your plant has consumed the nutrients in its soil, it will have grown large enough to require a larger container.


Repot your Amydrium medium silver once it has doubled in size or once a year, whichever comes first, to replace its nutrients.


When grown in a 5.0″ pot and not exposed to direct sunlight, Amydrium medium silver requires 0.8 cup of water every 9 days.


Spiderman monstera table

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