Education Moore Exotics


Speckled Tortoise



The smallest species of tortoise in the world (family Testudinidae) is Chersobius signatus. Common names for the species include “speckled tortoise,” “speckled padloper,” and “speckled Cape tortoise” globally.

The Speckled tortoise, which is endemic to South Africa, is the smallest species of tortoise in the world. Its flattened shell has edges that are somewhat serrated. The shell is orange-brown in colour and has several black markings all around it. The males have a belly that is clearly concave. The speckles on this small tortoise and the five toes on its forefeet set it apart from its relatives, who sometimes have four toes on all four feet.


A tiny section of Little Namaqualand, a dry region in the west of South Africa, is home to spotted tortoises. They forage amid the rocks and reside on rocky outcrops there.


The spotted tortoise is a solitary creature that is most active in the morning. They eat on tiny succulents that grow between the rocks and are small enough for them to reach where they live among the rocky outcrops. They frequently find refuge from the hot weather and a place to hide from raptors there. Originally meaning “path-walkers” in Afrikaans, these tortoises are also known as padlopers because of their propensity for creating little paths through the plants.


Keeping as Pet

Enclosure Requirements

These little tortoises don’t need a lot of space to feel at ease. This species’ lone adult may reside peacefully in a 5.5 square foot (0.5 square meter) terrarium. For three persons, an 11 square foot (1 square meter) terrarium should be adequate.

For an enclosure, the optimum base is compacted sandy loam. You can decorate the enclosure with rocks, plants, and wood stumps since it’s crucial that it resembles their natural habitat. The terrarium needs to have a number of retreats in order to provide a stress-free and comfortable environment.

Children should receive three weekly water sprays. The enclosures also require periodic spraying to maintain high humidity levels. It’s critical that you give the terrariums enough lighting. The lighting must resemble the glaring sunshine found in their natural environment.


The species are herbivorous and only consume plants, including dandelions, chicory, endive, fleaworts (sometimes called plantains), and other members of the genus Taraxacum. Heucobs, agrobs, chopped hay, and other fiber-rich ingredients can be added to their diet to complement it. Once a week, they can add nitrogen-rich plant food to their diet, like beans. This is crucial, particularly in the spring and winter. Juveniles of the speckled tortoise should be fed every day, while adults should be fed every other day.



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