Education Moore Exotics


Speckled Hognose



Scientific name: Leioheterodon geayi    

Life span: 15 years or more

Leioheterodon geayi is a species of mildly venomous snake in the Lamprophiidae family. It is also known as the Madagascar speckled hognose snake, the speckled hognose snake, or Geay’s hognose snake. L. geayi can reach a maximum length of 90–140 cm, including the tail (35–55 in).

It is a rear-fanged (“opisthoglyphous”) snake with two larger teeth at the back of each maxilla (upper jaw).


Native Region/Habitat

The region of southwest Madagascar is home to the species.


They are easily domesticated and have a generally calm temperament.

Care As a pet/In captivity:

The speckled hognose snake can be kept in relatively good condition with the correct care. Tongs should be used when feeding because it is barely venomous. The speckled hognose snake needs two hiding places—one on the warm side and one on the cool side—and should be kept in a vivarium or plastic tub. You want one of the sides to be wet. It should have a deep substrate that is conducive to digging and excellent ventilation. It should have access to a more arid environment since it typically lives in deserts. Its ideal temperature range is 90 °F (32 °C) during the day and 75 °F (24 °C) at night.  Its substrate should be 2-3 in (5.1-7.6 cm) of aspen wood shavings because it enjoys burrowing. It primarily consumes mice but also consumes birds, lizards, and amphibians (not that it should be fed that in captivity).


speckled hognose table

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