Education Moore Exotics





An aromatic plant with narrow, oval-shaped leaves that have toothed edges and pointy points, and erect, square-shaped stems. The little pink, light purple, or white blooms are placed in spikes, and the leaves are paired off.


Native to southern temperate Asia and Europe, spearmint grows from Ireland in the west to southern China in the east.


Spearmint is a flavorful kind of mint. It has the potential to improve memory, aid with digestion, and be rich in antioxidants. Toothpastes, mouthwashes, health food items, and cosmetics frequently contain spearmint.


Plant Care

  • Light

Mints like direct sunlight over shady spots. Additionally, spearmint can be grown inside on a sunny windowsill or under a grow light.

  • Soil

Rich, wet, and well-drained soil is ideal for mint growth. Use a rich, organic soilless mix while potting.

  • Water

Be cautious not to overwater when you water frequently. After letting the soil nearly dry out between irrigations, give it a good soak.

  • Temperature and Humidity

Spearmint does not withstand the cold and grows best in USDA zones 4a through 11. It thrives indoors under grow lights or by a window.

  • Fertilizer

The spearmint grows well without fertilizer. But post-harvest supplementation with more nutrients will revitalize for a subsequent harvest.


Spearmint table

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