Education Moore Exotics


Southdown Sheep



Southdown Sheep are a small to medium-sized breed with a unique appearance. They have a small, rounded head, a wide, deep torso, and short legs. Their wool is silky and dense, with a consistent crimp and a deep, creamy colour.


The Southdowns in England are where Southdown Sheep first appeared, thus their name. They were originally bred for their meat and have been around for more than 200 years. Southdown Sheep were brought to the United States in the early 19th century, and farmers and breeders took a quickly liking to them.



One of the most endearing characteristics of Southdown Sheep is their friendly and docile temperament. They are known for their affectionate nature and enjoy human interaction. They are the perfect breed for homesteaders and hobby farmers because of this.


Provide Adequate Shelter

To shield them from severe weather, Southdown Sheep need a suitable shelter. The shelter must be big enough to hold the entire flock and must offer defense against snow, rain, and wind. Additionally, it needs to be well ventilated to avoid moisture and ammonia buildup.

Provide Clean Water

For the Southdown Sheep to be happy and well-being, clean water is essential. They must always have access to clean, fresh water, particularly if it’s hot weather because they might drink more than usual. Water troughs should be cleaned and refilled frequently to avoid the growth of bacteria and algae.

Provide Adequate Nutrition

Forage and supplemental feed are both necessary components of this sheep’s balanced diet. As grazers, they mostly need access to pasture or hay to satisfy their nutritional requirements. Additionally, they could need additional food during seasons like the winter when grass or hay are unavailable.

Provide Adequate Fencing

Southdown Sheep are active animals, so it takes strong fencing to keep them from running away or going into places they shouldn’t be. The fence needs to be at least 4-5 feet high and sturdy enough to support the weight of the sheep. Sheep can also be contained with electric fencing.



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