Education Moore Exotics


Somali Cat



 Size: 6-14lbs.

A medium-sized cat, the Somali has a long body and well-defined muscles. The Somali cat has a balanced appearance overall.   Its triangular skull has a slight dip to it. She has very wide ears that are inclined forward, giving her a vigilant, attentive appearance. The big, expressive eyes convey the breed’s innate alertness and intellect. The cat’s eyes are gold, amber, or emerald, and the area surrounding them ought to be black, like eyeliner. 

The Somali cat has semi-long hair that is smaller and closer to the body and longer around the collar, legs, and tail. Due to their bushy tail, they are also called fox cats. The fur of the Somali is agouti, meaning that each hair has many bands of colors. The cat seems tinted as a result, lighter on the inside and darker on the outside.


 Activity Level: Moderate to high

Social needs: Need company all the times

The Somali is an energetic cat that enjoys playing and jumping. Despite this, it is a simple cat to have in your house. Somali cats adore both humans and animals. Somalis are sociable cats who like companionship. When people aren’t home, another cat can keep them company.

They will spend a lot of time playing with their own toys, but they will also spend a lot of time playing with their parents. 

Somali typically communicate softly and quietly. Somalis who have a “vision” might be tough to divert since they can be resistant and opinionated. Since they may be sensitive to criticism, love and praise are preferable methods for gaining obedience.


The Somali cat, which is essentially a longer-haired Abyssinian cat, has a very intriguing origin. According to some experts, genetic recombination with long-haired cats of unknown origin in the early 1900s may have introduced a recessive gene into the pool of the Abyssinian breed.

 The first Somali, then known as a “long-haired Abyssinian,” initially appeared at Australian cat exhibitions in 1965, according to breed historians. After that, breeders started working hard to create the Somali breed.

Care as a Pet

Somali cat


Due to their rambunctious nature, intelligence, and high level of activity, Somali cats require substantially more exercise than other cat breeds. Play with your Somali cat frequently to help it burn off energy and to deepen your relationship with it.

You can even walk your Somali cat on a leash if you’re feeling particularly daring. This is advantageous for Somalis because they enjoy being outside and interacting with people. Additionally, Somali cats are simple to train due to their high intelligence and eagerness to play. They are taught commands like “sit” and “stay” and are occasionally known to play fetch. Just be sure to maintain rewarding and enjoyable sessions.

Nutrition and Diet

Somalis need high-quality cat food with lots of protein to be in good form because they are so active and muscular. Avoid foods with extra fillers or grains with little nutritious value and stick to dishes made with high-quality meat-based ingredients.

Your veterinarian is the finest source for you. They can advise you on the foods that will be most suitable for your Somali cat.

Grooming needs 

The fine, silky coats of Somali cats need to be brushed often (once or twice per week) to prevent mats from forming.


somali cat table

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