Education Moore Exotics


Softcoral Seahorse

Softcoral Seahorse.

The marine fish species Hippocampus debelius, also referred to as the softcoral seahorse, belongs to the family Syngnathidae. It is only known from two specimens that were found in the Red Sea’s Gulf of Suez at depths of 15 to 30 meters. People were discovered in close proximity to soft corals. Although he began his career as a police officer, the specific name honours German scientist Helmut Debelius, who was born in Frankfurt am Main and is the author of several books on marine life. The length of the individuals that were captured was roughly 2.4 centimeters (0.94 in). They feature a short, angular coronet, a medium nose with a bulbous tip, and long, slender spines on their head, trunk, and tail. The tips of spines are dark brown or black.


The marine fish species Hippocampus debelius, also referred to as the softcoral seahorse, belongs to the family Syngnathidae. In order to confirm its existence, just two samples were taken from the Red Sea’s Gulf of Suez at depths between 15 and 30 meters (49–98 ft). People were discovered in close proximity to soft corals. 

Softcoral Seahorse


It would consume crustaceans, amphipods, brine shrimp nauplii, copepods, cyclops, daphnia salina, krill, mysis, and zooplankton like other seahorses do. 


It is also expected to be ovoviviparous, which means that before giving birth to live offspring males will hold eggs in a brood pouch.

Aquarium challenge 

There are currently no reports indicating that this animal has been successfully kept in captivity. Unknown toxic hazard for toxicity.

Descriptive Character

Small (19.2mm in height, 23.7mm in SL), 10 trunk rings, 28 tail rings, and well-ossified inferior and ventral trunk ridges are a few characteristics.

Four anal fin rays, a brooding area behind the anal fin in males, a medium-length snout with a bulbous tip, a short, angular coronet, and a conspicuous gill hole are all features of this species. It also lacks filaments and cirrhi and has no filaments or protruding spines on the head, trunk, or tail. Numerous closely spaced, brown lengthwise stripes or striations cover most of the white background. The front trunk spines also have a centrally positioned dark band, and many of the spines’ tips are dark brown to black.


Softcoral Seahorse table

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