Education Moore Exotics


Snowshoe Cat



 Size: 7-12lbs.

The Snowshoe is a wonderfully beautiful cat that balances the heftiness and sturdiness of the American Shorthair with the beauty and graceful lines of the Siamese. Their ears are widely spaced, and they have huge, slanting eyes on a round skull. The Snowshoe has a long, athletic physique and crisp, oval paws, and a medium-length tail.

The term “snowshoe” describes the cat’s four unusual white paws. They are produced in two patterns, bicolor and mitted, in the standard four Siamese colors. Red, cinnamon, cream, and fawn are other acceptable colors. 


 Activity Level: Moderate

Social needs: Always need company, should not be left alone

For those who adore Siamese color points but want a more laid-back, relaxed disposition, snowshoes blend the greatest qualities of their parent breeds. Their voices are melodious and sweet when they talk. They are lively, devoted, and cheerful cats. Despite their initial hesitation around strangers, they are utterly dedicated to their family and get along well with both kids and other animals.


The Snowshoe was formed by an American breeder in the early 1960s after discovering three Siamese kittens with white feet in a litter. Finding this to be a desirable appearance, she set out to develop a breed that merged the Siamese grace and pointed coloration with other breeds’ white tuxedo markings. In order to balance out the somewhat severe Siamese form, she chose the American Shorthair as the remaining component of her creation.

Care as a Pet

Snowshoe cat


Like their Siamese ancestors, snowshoes are intelligent and observant. They like looking out over their territory from elevated vantage points, such the tops of cat trees, in search of a chance for adventure or a willing playmate. Your snowshoe would appreciate a space with lots of games and toys to keep it from being bored.

Snowshoes are quite simple to train because they are so intelligent. Positive reinforcement training techniques can strengthen your relationship with your cat and keep it mentally and physically occupied by teaching it basic tricks and directions.

Nutrition and Diet

Because they are obligate carnivores, snowshoe hares thrive on a high-quality meat-based diet. The amino acid taurine, which is present in animal-based proteins, must be present in adequate amounts in the meal. Your cat may experience potentially fatal eye and heart issues if it develops a taurine deficiency, which can occur if it consumes dog food or plant-based meals.

Grooming needs 

Snowshoes will be incredibly simple to keep because of their short hair and single coat. To keep these cats glossy, happy, and in great shape, a weekly brushing ought to be plenty.


snowshoe table


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