Education Moore Exotics


Snapping Shrimp



The usual size of a pistol shrimp is only 1 to 2 inches long, which is smaller than one might expect given how powerful it is. In addition to having a more noticeable snapping claw, males are substantially larger than females.

Physical Appearance

All Pistol Shrimp have two claws of varied sizes, a pincer and a snapper. The pincer resembles the shrimp’s other relatives’ claws. The snapper is roughly half as long as the body of the pistol. It has two components: the propus, which contains water, and the dactyl, which enters the propus and acts as a plunger. A blast is released as a result of the pressure, which produces an air bubble and a breaking sound.

These shrimp feature antennae, two black eyes at the top of their head, and six legs along the underside of their abdomen. Depending on the species, prawns can range in colour from red to brown to blue to green to white or a combination of colors. Some prawns also have eye-catching patterns.


The worldwide distribution of pistol shrimps includes muddy estuaries, submerged seagrass flats, oyster reefs, coral reefs, and other such habitats. The majority of the species of pistol shrimp reside in warm, tropical, and marine waters, although Potamalpheops and Bataeus are found in freshwater caves.


Keeping as Pet

Tank Size

The pistol shrimp should be kept in tanks that are at least 30 gallons in size, however larger tanks are desirable.

Despite their small size, these prawns like exploring the tank and staying far away from their tankmates in a reef aquarium design. Pistol shrimp can become more aggressive in small aquariums, so always give these fish enough of room.

Water Parameters

Pistol shrimp do best when kept in stable water conditions, as is the case with the majority of marine animals.

A tropical species called pistol shrimp requires water that is between 75° and 82°F in temperature.

Water should have a pH between 6.5 and 7.5 and a hardness between 8 and 12 dKH. The optimal salinity range is from 1.024 to 1.026, with 1.025 being the range.

For the prawns to feel at ease, the tank should have good filtration and a slow water flow. Additionally, be careful not to use copper-based drugs or water treatments because copper is extremely harmful to invertebrates.


The lighting conditions in the tank are irrelevant to pistol shrimp because they are primarily nocturnal creatures. Therefore, you can select illumination that is suitable for the corals and other tank inhabitants.


A shrimp goby might seem to be the obvious partner for a pistol shrimp in a reef tank setup.  But interspecies compatibility varies. According to some biologists, goby and prawn unions may include a porcelain crab as a third party. The Red Caribbean species, on the other hand, prefers to coexist with the Bartholomea annulata anemone rather than gobies. Small, peaceful fish, sponges and corals are suitable tank mates for pistol shrimp.



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