Education Moore Exotics


Six Line Wrasse

Six Line Wrasse


A grown adult will be about 3 inches tall.

Physical characteristics and behavior

The six-line wrasse is a vibrantly coloured, active fish. They grow to a maximum size of less than 3 inches, which makes them perfect for micro aquariums and appealing to some fishkeeping enthusiasts. This fish is not a strong contender to be classified as a nano species, despite its small size. These fish have an amazing diversity of hues and patterns. Their brown color contrasts with the azure anal and ventral fins because their undersides are frequently paler than the rest of their bodies. The body is aerodynamically effective and perfect for a swift, smooth flight thanks to its exact curves and smooth surfaces.


Between 73 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit is the best temperature for a Cryptocentrus cinctus aquatic environment. the water’s alkalinity or acidity. For Cryptocentrus cinctus to flourish, the alkalinity in the water needs to be between 7.5 and 8.5 pH.

As Pet

Six Line Wrasse

  • Care

A saltwater species known as the Six Line Wrasse is very resilient. Because of their hardiness, they can live in a range of tank environments, but that does not imply they should be ignored. Additionally, they favour warmer waters because they are more akin to their natural habitats, which are the seas off the coasts of Asia and India. However, six line wrasses are occasionally known to be a bit aggressive, so be cautious. They have a history of attacking other saltwater fish with aggression.

  • Temperature

Off the coasts of Africa, India, and Japan, six line wrasses can be found. The water in certain tropical areas is warmer than usual. Therefore, tanks with slightly warmer water should be used to house Six Line Wrasses. Tank temperatures for six line wrasses should range from 76 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit. You should make sure to keep your tank at that temperature because that is what they prefer.

  • pH of water

Six Line Wrasses prefer water that is just a little bit acidic. That brings to mind the environments they were raised in. Their optimum pH ranges from 8.0 to 8.4. Your tank should be actively maintained within that range. All of the species in your tank may suffer an adverse effect from a pH level that varies excessively. So make sure to regularly check your water levels.

  • Diet

Fish species known as six-line wrasses are carnivorous. This indicates that they might nip at smaller invertebrates or other fish in their tank. In spite of this, six line wrasses can be given pellets or flakes as long as you add additional meat, probably frozen, to their diet. In order to maintain Six Line Wrasses content and healthy, they need also be fed at least twice every day.

  • Tank Size

Given that Six Line Wrasses are a little type of fish, you might assume that they can be housed in a tank that isn’t that large. This is not true. Large tanks are necessary for Six Line Wrasses to properly rest and pose in. They need a tank with a minimum capacity of 30 gallons. If you maintain more than one of them in a tank or if you intend to keep them in a communal tank, that size can quickly grow.

  • Tank Setup

Any fish species should have a tank that is as close to a replica of its natural habitat as you can manage. The six line wrasse is an excellent example of this. The abundance of reefs, corals, and rocks in six line wrasses’ natural habitat makes all of these elements welcome additions to their aquariums. They also favour sandy soil, hiding there when under stress. Maintaining a lid on your tank is also necessary to prevent your six-line wrasse from leaping out.

  • Tank Mates

Six Line Wrasses are an extremely aggressive species, according to Tank Mates. Because they have a tendency to bully timid fish, they cannot be housed alongside them. Small crustaceans shouldn’t be kept with them because the six line wrasse would happily eat them. Six line wrasses appear to get along best in tanks with clownfish.


six line wrasse table

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