Education Moore Exotics


Singapura Cat



 Size: 4-8lbs

The Singapura is a cute small cat with a graceful, muscular, slender body that isn’t overly extreme or sharply angular. Their eyes are huge, almond-shaped, and can be hazel, green, or yellow. They have thick black eyeliner. Their head is spherical with a short, wide nose. They only come in the warm beige color sepia agouti, which has a brown ticking patterning. They are the smallest domestic cat breed.


 Activity Level: High

Social needs: Love attention from family and other pets

Despite being small, the Singapura cat breed is anything but delicate. This cat is very active and has a great personality. She is a naturally curious, bright, and outgoing breed that enjoys the company of her family. Singapura cats are strong and enjoy climbing and exploring. It enjoys cuddling up on your lap, and on chilly winter evenings, he makes a great bedwarmer.They want to be involved in the activity, so they’ll be by your side when you perform chores and are ready to play.


There is significant debate concerning Singapura’s origin. According to the widely believed story, two American breeders named Tommy and Hal Meadow discovered the cats on the streets of Singapore and flew them back to the US in 1975. In the late 1970s, they then started a breeding program with three Singaporian brown ticked cats. Jerry Mayes, an American breeder, discovered importation paperwork in 1987, which indicated that the original three cats had likely been transported from the US to Singapore in 1974. The Meadows brothers were charged with misrepresenting an Abyssinian/Burmese cross as a new breed.

Care as a Pet

A Singapura cat requires only minimal maintenance. Knowing how to take care of your cat the best will always enhance its quality of life.

Singapura cat


Because the Singapura is a naturally athletic and curious cat, it needs both mental and physical stimulation to stay healthy. The Singapura requires the same amount of exercise as the majority of domestic cats. Toys, jumping poles, or games of fetch can be used as simple forms of exercise to meet the breed’s minimal daily requirements. The Singapura can be taught to perform tricks and is intelligent.


The Singapura sheds light but is not regarded as hypoallergenic. Short hair and a short coat make it a suitable choice for dander-sensitive owners.

Nutrition and Diet

Feed your Singapura high-quality cat food that is appropriate for the cat’s small size and high energy level to guarantee that it lives a long and healthy life. If you decide to follow a raw food diet, check with your veterinarian to be sure it has all the essential elements. As grazers, Singaporeans prefer to periodically return to their food rather than eating it all at once.

Grooming needs

 Little grooming is required for the Singapura. Your cat’s grooming requirements can be satisfied by brushing it once a week, checking for ear dirt, and occasionally clipping its nails.


singapura table

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