Education Moore Exotics


Silver Dollar

Silver dollar


Males tend to be shorter than females when they are mature and can reach lengths of 5 to 6 inches in captivity.

Physical Characteristics and Behavior

A fish with a disk- or plate-shaped body is tall and thin in the middle. It has an eye and a back. The body is silver, while the fins are transparent. An almost pinkish silver tint covers the underside. A sliver-like slice runs across the iris. The pec fins are vivid crimson in color. The entire body is covered in a scattering of spots that are lined up.


It prefers water with a pH of 6.0 to 6.5, a hardness of 4 to 8, and a temperature of 79 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit (27 to 27 degrees Celsius).

Keeping as Pet

Silver dollar fish

  • Tank size

This relatively large fish should be housed in a school with at least 4-5 different species, which calls for a tank with a minimum capacity of 80 gallons. This fish can swim in any layer of water, but it needs some room to move about. A tank with a dark bottom and low lighting is more comfortable to silver dollar fish. It can, however, jump, so you must close the tank securely and fasten any decorations and equipment within. You’d better avoid using the glass ones because large Metynnis species have been known to start tearing about the tank when startled and even damage the heater.

  • Filtration

Metynnis is relatively low maintenance and disease resistant, and the silver dollar fish may survive in a variety of tank environments. Clean water, a strong filter, and regular water renewal are all that matter. The filter can be used to provide the moderate water flow that the silver dollar fish prefers.

  • Water Features

Remember that Metynnis will consume all of the plants in your tank, thus it is preferable to grow some rigid-leaved plants, like Anubias or some sort of plastic plant. The ideal water conditions are 6.5-7.5 pH, 4-20 dGH, and 75-81 °F (24-27 °C).

  • Feeding

Therefore, if the majority of your silver dollar fish’s food consists of vegetables, remember to remove the leftovers from the tank because they muddy the water. Despite having a plant-based diet, fish will happily consume foods that include protein, such as bloodworms and brine shrimp. Make sure the silver dollar fish has enough food because they may become reticent in a communal aquarium.


silver dollar table

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