Education Moore Exotics


Siberian Weasel



Scientific Name: Mustela sibirica

Asia is the home of the medium-sized Siberian weasel. These animals have relatively small legs and long, stretched-out bodies. Their guard hairs, which can reach a length of 3 to 4 cm, are extremely long, velvety, and fluffy in the winter. The underfur is thick and oversized. Siberian weasels have uniform coloration and are brilliant reddish-ocherous or straw-red, though occasionally peach or orange tones can be seen on the skin. The face has a thick, coffee-brown mask covering it. Their tails are fluffier than those of other members of the species and are more colorful than their backs.


Northern Myanmar, Laos, North Korea, Pakistan, Nepal, India (Himalayas), Bhutan, Russia (from Kirov Province, Tataria, and the western Urals through Siberia and the Russian Far East), Taiwan, and northern Thailand are all included in the range of Siberian weasels. These animals are found in mixed, coniferous, and deciduous woods. They can also be found in open spaces like grasslands and shrublands, as well as in mountain ranges and in river valleys.



The Siberian weasel is a crepuscular and nocturnal animal. These creatures are solitary with the exception of the interaction between mothers and their young. Although they are known to migrate when there is a food scarcity, they keep territory. It has been noted that they can go up to 8 km in a single night.


The major prey of carnivorous Siberian weasels is rodents. Voles, red squirrels, pikas, mice, muskrats, chipmunks, and jerboas are among the animals they eat. Fish, tiny birds, reptiles, and amphibians are also taken by them. Pine nuts and various fruits are examples of plant foods. Siberian weasels may scavenge heavily on the carcasses of wolves and yellow-throated martens throughout the winter.



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