Education Moore Exotics


Selkirk Rex Cat

Selkirk Rex cat



The Selkirk Rex, a medium-to-large cat, has a similar physique to other cats in the “rex” class, which includes breeds like the Devon Rex and Cornish Rex that have the mutated gene for curly or wavy hair. The Selkirk is strong like the Cornish and robust like the Devon, but she has a bulkier physique than these slim cats and a rounder face rather than a narrow one with sharp ears.

The Selkirk Rex is recognized for her luxurious, curling coat that has given her the nickname “the cat in sheep’s clothes.” Her curly whiskers and free, flowing hair are there from birth. . Selkirks with long hair have long ringlets, but those with short hair have smaller tighter curls.


 Activity Level: 

Social needs:

The Selkirk Rex is a kind and friendly animal. It is a fantastic choice for homes with children, other pets, or regular visitors because it is friendly and enjoys cuddling. If it was properly trained as a kitten, it can travel well and become a great therapy cat. Even though the Selkirk is far from a lazy slob, it is easier to live with than a Cornish or Devon Rex.


A unique mixed-breed kitten belonging to a wild cat was discovered by Jeri Newman, a Persian breeder in Montana, in the late 1980s. Only this particular kitten in the litter has wavy hair and curling whiskers. In response to this genetic mutation, Newman took the cat in and gave her the name DePesto. Later, she mated DePesto to a black Persian male. Six kittens were born, and three of them had wavy coats; Newman utilized these three to start the Selkirk Rex breed.

Care as a Pet

Although the Selkirk Cat doesn’t shed much, its coat does need special maintenance because any stray hairs have a tendency to get caught inside the coat rather than fall off onto your clothes and furniture. The coat may become matted if loose hairs are allowed to remain in it. 

It is not recommended to overbrush the coat because it tends to make the curls looser. Instead, using a wide-toothed comb will help prevent mats and preserve the curl of the coat.

Selkirk Rex

Nutrition and Diet

The bigger frame of the Selkirk Rex makes it especially crucial to avoid overfeeding. Maintaining a healthy weight helps guard against conditions that are known to plague the breed, including heart disease, hip dysplasia, diabetes, and arthritis.

To guarantee correct portions, feed measured meals two or three times each day. Consult your veterinarian or breeder for advice on the best diet to feed your Selkirk Rex. Free feeding, which involves leaving food available all day, can result in overeating, which can add to weight gain.

Grooming needs 

 Although the Selkirk Cat doesn’t shed much, its coat does need special maintenance since any stray hairs have a tendency to get caught inside the coat rather than fall off onto your clothes and furnishings. The coat may get matted if loose hairs are allowed to linger in it.

It is not recommended to overbrush the coat because it tends to make the curls looser. Instead, using a wide-toothed comb will assist avoid matting and preserve the curl of the coat.


selkirk rex table

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