Education Moore Exotics


Sealyham Terrier

Sealyham Terrier

A miniature terrier from Wales, the Sealyham Terrier has tiny legs, a wiry double coat, and long facial hair that grows in tufts above and behind the chin. One of the rarest terrier breeds, the Sealyham was once extremely popular. They are noticeably more relaxed than other terriers. Their terrier features shine through their enthusiasm, courage, and occasionally stubborn disposition, which are traits that make them known for their fun-loving and playful personality. Sealyham Terriers are unusual dogs that make wonderful family pets, despite the fact that they can be hard to find.

Care as a Pet/ In Captivity

Although Sealyham Terriers require little in the way of exercise, due to its grooming and training requirements, this breed is best suited for knowledgeable owners. These dogs can be quite well-behaved and joyful companions if given the right care.

sealyham terrier dog


An hour of moderate exercise every day is ideal for your Sealyham Terrier. These terrier types aren’t the liveliest, so simple exercises like walks, playtime, or quick jogs usually suffice to keep them in shape. Owners may also gain from putting a sandbox in the backyard because they can be inclined to dig. This enables your dog to exercise independently while providing an outlet for its inclinations (and it also keeps your favorite flower beds safe).


Sealyham Terriers have thick, double coats that are water-resistant and require little grooming. Although these dogs don’t shed much, if their coats aren’t brushed out on a regular basis, they may become matted and tangled. Additionally, advice is regular hand-stripping and fur clipping.

The dense amounts of hair that sprout forward from these terriers’ foreheads are well known. Although the breed’s distinctive tuft is an essential part of its appearance, if left untrimmed, it might obstruct the dog’s vision. To keep their Sealyham Terriers healthy, owners should regularly cut their face hair, as well as their nails, teeth, and ears.

Nutrition and Diet

Under the direction of your veterinarian, feed your Sealyham Terrier a diet of premium dog food that is either professionally produced or home-prepared. Due to the breed’s propensity for gaining weight, it’s crucial for owners to keep an eye on their dog’s weight by calculating quantities and giving rewards sparingly.

If your dog suffers from food allergies, talk to your vet about the healthiest diet options. Your veterinarian can also assist you in choosing a feeding schedule based on the age, weight, and degree of activity of your particular dog.


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