Education Moore Exotics


Scottish Deerhound

Scottish deerhound

Large Scottish dog breeds include the deerhound. It is one of the tallest dog breeds and a devoted, affectionate, and active friend. The deerhound’s physique is similar to a greyhound’s, being long and thin. The breed, sometimes known as the “Royal Dog of Scotland,” dated to the sixteenth century. Sir Walter Scott, a well-known Scottish author and historian, famously called it “the most exquisite creature of heaven” in the 18th century. Deerhound owners will attest to how satisfying having one of these dogs is. They are wonderful family pets thanks to their kind spirits and liveliness.

Care as a Pet/ In Captivity

Due to its high prey drive, the deerhound, like other sighthounds, is highly stimulated by visual prey. Until they realize the animal is a member of the family, cats and other tiny animals may arouse their predatory drive. Your deerhound can learn that small animals are not prey by growing up near them. Nevertheless, you might never feel at ease leaving your deerhound unattended near small animals. They prefer spending time with other big dogs, particularly another deerhound



Scottish deerhounds are great athletes, but as they age, they can sometimes become sluggish. They enjoy playing and running outside but may laze around when inside. To keep your deerhound motivated and fit, you must exercise every day for at least two hours. To exhaust your deerhound, try tug-of-war, cycling, trekking, jogging, running, and numerous games of fetch in addition to walks.

Deerhounds need to be walked on a leash since they will chase everything that moves. This can also be difficult because they can pull you off your feet due to their size and propensity to run away when on a leash.


The Scottish deerhound has a rough, 3–4-inch-long, wiry coat that only needs minimal maintenance. The deerhound’s coat only needs a once-over once a week with a slicker brush and/or comb to look its best. The breed sheds at a moderately low rate, which is further decreased by frequent brushing. Only sometimes bathing your deerhound should be necessary depending on odor or a dirty coat.

Nutrition and Diet

Deerhounds require between three and four cups of dry food per day, divided into two meals. They are prone to bloating, and if they consume quickly or in large quantities, they run the danger of developing this illness. A medical emergency occurs when a distended stomach twists.

Keep an eye on your dog’s weight to avoid obesity. As a dog ages, its demands will alter, so you should talk to your veterinarian about the best feeding times, amounts of food, types of food, and exercise regimens.


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