Education Moore Exotics





Scientifically referred to as Schorl, black tourmaline is a mineral that originates through a variety of geological processes. The schorl color is mostly black, though it occasionally has a deep brownish-black or bluish-black tint. When polished, it usually has a vitreous (glassy) luster that makes it appear shiny. Its crystal structure is trigonal and exhibits triple symmetry.

Geographical Distribution

Schorl is found in many different geological settings and geographical locations. Afghanistan, the United States, Brazil, and Sri Lanka are a few noteworthy cases. Other nations where black tourmaline is found include Namibia, Madagascar, Pakistan, and Russia. Geological areas with high concentrations of granitic and metamorphic rocks are linked to its occurrence.


The name “schorl” was first used before 1400, according to the early history of the mineral schorl. This is because a village in Saxony, Germany, now called Zschorlau was once called “Schorl” (or slightly different variations of this name). The village had a tin mine nearby that produced black tourmaline in addition to cassiterite.

Metaphysical Properties

Schorl is well known for its metaphysical qualities, especially its shielding and negative energy-absorbing capacities. It is connected to chakra balancing, purification, and grounding.


Chemical Composition

The standard formula for Schorl, a complex borosilicate mineral, is (Na,Ca)(Li,Mg,Fe,Al)3Al6(BO3)3Si6O18(OH)4. The particular makeup may change according to the location.


  • Electronics: Schorl is utilized in many electronic devices to control electromagnetic interference and static electricity because of its special electrical properties.
  • Jewelry: It is a well-liked gemstone for jewelry and is frequently utilized in rings, bracelets, and necklaces.
  • Collector’s Item: Aesthetic appeal and metaphysical significance are the reasons why collectors and mineral lovers seek out exceptional specimens of Schorl crystals.


Schorl Table

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