Education Moore Exotics


Scarlet Hood

Scarlet Hood

Scientific name 

Hygrocybe coccinea


The Scarlet Hood mushroom is a delicate mushroom that is also called the scarlet waxcap mushroom. These mushrooms are bright crimson in color with bell-shaped caps. The shape of its cap depends on its age which becomes flat with time. The diameter of the cap is about 2-5 cm and has a slimy texture. Their gills are adnate and thick and widely spread below the cap. They have golden-red colored gills. They have white colored spore prints. The spores are oval in shape and have a diameter of 7- 9.5 × 4-5 μm. Spores are typically red towards the apex and eventually become orange-yellow towards the base. The ringless stem is crimson with a yellowish base and is 2-5 cm in length and 0.4-1 cm in width. The meat is yellowish-red, with a slight scent and flavor. Scarlet hood mushrooms are edible. These mushrooms smell like honey when dried and rubbed.

Scarlet Hood.


Scarlet hood mushrooms are native to India, Nepal, China, Britain, Japan, and Ireland. They are saprotrophs and are also responsible for decomposition. They are mostly found in grasslands, oaks, woodlands, and hardwood. Their growth period is between August- October.


Scarlet hood mushrooms contain chemical compounds called Betalains that are preferably used for making food dye. These substances are pigments that naturally exist in some higher-order fungi and certain plant groups. Betalain is a nitrogen-containing and water-soluble compound that has a betalamic acid core structure. 


Scarlet Hood table

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